Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (PCREDC)
Aspen, Colorado

“It’s hard to believe that a decent live radio and call transcription product didn’t exist until now, and we’ve been talking about the need to have one for years. Implementing Delphini was one of the best decisions I ever made for our team. We are responding faster and smarter, so our communities are safer, and more lives are being saved.”

Brett Loeb, 911 Division Chief and Communications Director, Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (PCREDC) Aspen, Colorado

“Delphini is making me a better dispatcher because I know I won’t miss something important. Even just one highlighted word gives me an idea of what’s occurring in the moment, so I am quicker with my response times, which is crucial in a life and death situation.”

Joseph Heredia, Dispatcher, Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (PCREDC) Aspen, Colorado

“I think of Delphini as my partner on the job. I am less stressed knowing that the program is catching anything I miss and showing it to me in real time through the keyword highlights and transcription. And I have my personal time back. When I’m off the clock, I don’t spend time thinking about how I performed on the job, wondering if I missed anything crucial or responded correctly, etc. I’m more confident in what I’m doing so I actually look forward to going into work.”

Christopher McKinney, Dispatcher, Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center (PCREDC) Aspen, Colorado

Salem Emergency-911 Call Center
Salem, Virginia

“I was blown away by the technology of this AI cloud-based SaaS platform. I knew immediately that it was the all-inclusive solution I had been searching for to make our team more efficient in all areas. The fact that it was also affordable and easy to install was a huge bonus.”

Daniel Hartman, E-911 Manager, Salem Emergency 911 Call Center, Salem, Virginia

“The keyword alerts are incredibly helpful and have reduced my stress on the job because I don’t work in fear of missing something vital to saving someone’s life, including police officers. Even if their radio communication is muddled and unclear, Delphini picks it up and transcribes it perfectly, especially license plate numbers! I don’t have to ask them to repeat something, which saves valuable response time and allows the police officer to maintain focus on the situation at hand.”

Charly Jones, E-911 Telecommunicator, Salem, Virginia

“As a manager, I’m frequently scheduled in meetings and working on requirements for the department so I’m not always in the call center monitoring what’s happening. But with Delphini, I never worry about missing something because I can be notified instantly on my cell phone through the mobile app if there’s an urgent situation that requires my attention. And I can always listen to the playback to get the full story and stay caught up with what’s transpired during a shift.”

“These features are especially awesome for supervisors because they give us the freedom to multi-task while eliminating my fear of missing something since I can’t be in two places at once. Delphini is my safeguard.”

Daniel Hartman, E-911 Manager, Salem Emergency 911 Call Center, Salem, Virginia

“I think of Delphini as my partner on the job. It’s keeping our team efficient, accurate, and strong mentally so that we can focus on the emergency at hand. I like knowing our community is safer because we’re giving our best.”

Charly Jones, E-911 Telecommunicator, Salem, Virginia

Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC)
Moses Lake, Washington

“It’s amazing, today Delphini’s transcription accuracy is close to 100%, especially when people are speaking clearly. And if they slur their speech, it’s still about 80-90% accurate.” Skeptical at first, he shared, “I was not sure we had made a wise investment in the beginning, but then over time as we refined the AI, I began seeing first-hand the outstanding results and now I’m a fan of this technology. I’m glad we were patient with the process and remained committed to the partnership with SRT.”

D.T. Donaldson, Director, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC) Moses Lake, Washington

“Incorporating Delphini as a training tool for recruits is especially beneficial. I feel it’s essential for developing a good radio ear. Reinforcing what they are hearing by seeing it transcribed in real time is not a crutch, it’s just practical. It instills confidence from the very beginning.”

D.T. Donaldson, Director, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC) Moses Lake, Washington

“Delphini has been instrumental in overcoming challenges with interpreting someone’s accent. “One third of the police officers in the county are Hispanic and many of them are native Spanish speakers. After training the system, Delphini can decipher an accent and transcribe accurately, which has helped call takers and dispatchers be able to respond much quicker.”

“Having an accurate speech-to-text transcription with key word highlights, regardless of someone’s accent, is extremely helpful and saves valuable seconds in the handling of a critical situation.”

Gerrit Klein, Technical Services Manager, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC) Moses Lake, Washington

“Delphini is helpful in identifying the officers and firepersons who need to be more aware of their enunciations and clarity of speech over the radio. “I can easily replay the conversation after the emergency is resolved so that the person hears for themselves how difficult they can be to understand during their transmission. And most of the responses we get to that exercise are positive. They are appreciative that I brought it to their attention.”

Gerrit Klein, Technical Services Manager, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC) Moses Lake, Washington

“It’s a beneficial resource that aids in keeping our team connected.”

Gerrit Klein, Technical Services Manager, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC) Moses Lake, Washington

Orange County Emergency Communications Center
Orange, Virginia

“Delphini is like having another person in the room. It gives me an extra set of ears, and takes away the worry of missing details, which in turn eliminates some of the stress of the job.”

Chris Cord, Director, Orange County Emergency Communications Center, Orange, Virginia

“Delphini is both intuitive and accurate with its transcription capabilities, and it was obvious during the product demo how beneficial it would be to my dispatchers as well as to first responders and the community at large. It eliminates the worry of missing details.”

Chris Cord, Director, Orange County Emergency Communications Center, Orange, Virginia

“I want to set my team up for success and give them every advantage so that they build confidence and experience less stress. Delphini is their partner on the job.”

Chris Cord, Director, Orange County Emergency Communications Center, Orange, Virginia

“Our dispatchers find Delphini easy to use and believe it’s making the process more efficient and their job a little bit easier. And supervisors are loving the auto-alerts!”

Chris Cord, Director, Orange County Emergency Communications Center, Orange, Virginia